Preparation of manuscripts
1. Although this journal is international in scope, all articles must be in the English language. Potential contributors whose first language is not English are urged to have their manuscript competently edited prior to submission. Leave three spaces between the abstract and the introduction.
2. Papers should be written in the third person in an objective, formal and impersonal style.
3. SI units should be used wherever possible, as recommended in ISO 1000 and BS 5555.
4. Manuscripts should be typed, with single spacing throughout, on A4 size paper,
all pages should be 14 cm wide by 21.5 cm deep with maximum use made of the typing area.
The preferred order of contents is as follows:
(a) Title of paper: The title should be in small letter centered on the width of the typing area.
(b) Author(s) name(s) and business address.
(c) Abstract should comprise less than 250 words and should be informative, concise and complete in
itself without reference to the body of the text.
(d) Body of paper: organized into logical sectors, sequential numbered with no more than two grades of subheadings. Each major text heading (e.g.. RESULTS) should be centered, capitalized and separated by one extra line from the material which precedes it.
(e) References in the order to which they have been referred in the text1- 4. For example:
. Demirbaş A. 1991 Analysis of beech wood fatty acids by supercritical acetone extraction Wood Sci. Technol. 25:365-370.2. Sarkanen KV, Tillman DA. 1980 Progress in Biomass Conversion, Vol.2. Academic Press, New York.
3. Cook PJ, Hinczak I, Cao HT. 1987 Proceeding of the International Worksshop on Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag in Concrete, Toronto, pp 7-77.
. Boncukçuoğlu R. 1993 Recovery of Boron from Boron Industry Wastes, Ph.D. Dissertation Univ. of Atatürk, Erzurum.(e) Tables: Numbered consecutively throughout the text.
(f) Figures and illustrations should be numbered consecutively and referred to throughout the text.
Submission of manuscripts
Two copies of the manuscript should be submitted to the Editor. Include the names, addresses , and fax numbers of all authors of each manuscript. Papers should be submitted to the Editor on disk. MS Word is preferred if available; 3.5 inch high-density disks are recommended for software. Full details are given in Instructions to Authors for Submitting Disks, available from the Editor (address given below). Authors will receive 1 free offprints of papers.
Paper are considered for publication on the understanding that they have not been submitted to any other publisher. With the exception of review papers, the work described must be original and, generally speaking, not previously published. Authors who wish to reproduce illustrations that have been published elsewhere must obtain the permission of the copyright holder.
Papers should be sent to:
Ayhan Demirbaş,P. K. 216,
Fax: 90-0462-2487344 E-mail: